Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Study Guide II Midterm 2: Part 2 (ORAL)

1. Discuss women in American History through WWI and the 1920s. What was life like for women before and then during WWI? What legal rights or limitations did they have? Work and educational opporutnities? What were the values for women up through WWI? Make sure to discuss the Comstock law, birthcontrol and early feminism. What happened for American women during WWI? How did work, education and home life change because of the war? What happened post war? Discuss music, styles and attitudes or cultural changes in the 1920s? What caused these changes in women? Give at least 3 specific examples of women from this era (from our reading or lectures) who are historically significant and explain why. (i.e. Margaret Sanger)

2. Discuss women in the U.S. after World War II. How did education, family and work change? How did birth control influence these changes? How did the politics of this time change? (Discuss Roe v. Wade and other important political issues for women). How did the women's movement emerge and what was it? What about life for minority women in the U.S. - what was it like, did they experience the same progress? Why or why not? Discuss modern feminism and explain at least two different types of it, and why it is important. Discuss at least two specific women from our readings and lectures, post WWII, who are historically significant and explain why.

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