Sunday, March 7, 2010

Quiz 6, 7, 8

Quiz 6 (History 9) A- True B- False
By the late 19th century the theory of female moral superiority had become a truism in America.
Reform movements were justified by the fact ‘women had kept homes pure’.
Social Darwinism claimed that society would evolved to higher levels.

4. Three groups helped organize reform: local, national and reform agencies.
Addams bought an old mansion in Chicago and it was a settlement mansion.
By 1900 there were 5 million female wage earners.
Women were demanding better conditions in factories.

The Declaration of Sentiments challenged law and social practice in America.
By the end of the 19th century laws protecting married women were being passed.
Sojouner said “I have heard the bible and have learned that Eve caused man to sin. Well if woman upset the world, do give her a chance to set it right side up again.”
Quiz 7 (History 9) A- True B- False
By 1890 the women’s movements in New York and Boston were still fighting each other.
The women who led the suffrage movement in the early 20th century were not realistic about their ideas.
Alice Paul was a less radical suffragette.

4. By the early 20th century their were no women in the U.S. who were opposed to women’s suffrage.
Emma Goldman believed that women should give up everything to have a career.
In the 1920s women began to reject ideas of modern sexuality.
Women had sexual freedom before birthcontrol.

Illegal abortions did nto become a problem till late in the 20th century.
Recognition of female sexuality led to sexual emancipation for women.
Freud’s theory of female sexuality resolved conflicts about the nature of women’s sexuality.
Quiz 8 (History 9) A- True B- False
Alexander Hamilton was called the most polarizing figure of his time.
The Bill of Rights was not supported by the Antifederalists.
Alice Paul was a less radical suffragette.

4. By the early 20th century their were no women in the U.S. who were opposed to women’s suffrage.
Emma Goldman believed that women should give up everything to have a career.
In the 1920s women began to reject ideas of modern sexuality.
Women had sexual freedom before birthcontrol.

Illegal abortions did nto become a problem till late in the 20th century.
Recognition of female sexuality led to sexual emancipation for women.
Freud’s theory of female sexuality resolved conflicts about the nature of women’s sexuality.

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