Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Quiz 9 & 10 as HW

Women H9 Quiz 9
1. Even before the advent of the flapper, weight issues were in the minds of American women.
2. The slenderized female was picked up from the French.
3. Anorexia is caused by internal and external factors.
4. In the 1930s drought plagued the U.S. from Virginia to Arkansas.
5. Specialization in working conditions isolated individuals.

6. In the 1950s women in American media worked outside of the home.
7. Working class women were unaffected by The Feminine Mystique.
8. Concepts of “femininity” are the same for white and black women.
9. Welfare kept families together.
10. Black women were not part of the Civil Rights movement.
Women H9 Quiz 10
1. Betty Friedman stated that women had not a “single fight left to fight.”
2. The emergence of the pill left women half of their lives not taken up by the drive of their biology.
3. The Civil Rights Bill did not include laws for equality of sexes.
4. Some NOW members considered abortion too controversial to take on.
5. Intitially there was only one Women ‘s Liberation Group.

6. By 1970 CR groups had become “the heart and soul of the women’s liberation movement.”
7. Feminists wanted the choices to be limited.
8. Feminists wanted women to have a yes/no choice in sex and if yes to have pleasure in the act.
9. Minority women were a huge part of the early women’s movement.
10. Because there are different feminists groups, there is room for all women.

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